I think the gas companies uses physiology on us. After you get used to paying almost 3.00 a gal....then when it comes down to 2.47....you think it is cheap. Today, I was really happy to fill 'er up. That's the same feeling I had when it was .16 cents a gal. Can anyone else remember that? It was sometime in the fifties.
I can remember when it was in the 30 cent range. How to believe it was ever that cheap.
the gas companys are price goughing us and our goverment is letting them do it. now people are getting excited because they droped the price. they robed us yesterday so we are soppose to be grateful they didn't take as much when they robed us today.
Clara I am soooo mad about gas prices here!! In the county I live in it is 2.75 and the county next to us where my husband works it is 2.32!!! Our county has always been more expensive but this is crazy!!! I drove 30 miles one way to the next county & filled up. Maybe that is crazy..I was going there anyway...but WAYNE COUNTY GEORGIA IS PRICING Gouging its citizens & I aint buying NO GAS from them anymore!!!
I paid $3.29 a gallon a couple days ago, almost $30 to fill up the Kia. We are SUPPOSED to be happy THEY lowered the prices for us...read 1984 sometime my friends. in WWII (no, I wasn't there), there were war bonds, and rationing... nowadays WE are paying for this war through the price of gas at the pumps. Don't like the price? Park your car, get a bike, or better yet... WALK!!!
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