which occured last November, but only today did I take notice to that. In celebration, I am going to post 100 things about me. Don't feel it necessary to read them, but if you want.....go to it.
1..I love the Lord.
2..I am a crochetaholic (my husband says he's going to put a crochet hook in my hand when I die)...I say "Please do, the angels can always use more lace".
3..I love to cook.
4..Eating is WONDERFUL.
5..I have gained 20 lbs since I retired 10 years ago.
6..I despise for someone to blow their nose where I am cooking or eating.
7..I mow the yard.
8.I get up on the roof and clean out my gutters.
9..I puddy in my windows....when needed.
10..I can lay ceramic tile and linolum.
11..I can't stand for anyone to tell me how to drive.
12..I love to read.
13..Knitting is a favorite pastime.
14..I love babies. I have two little angels in Heaven.
15..Years ago, I could sing...but you know the old saying "If you don't use it, you lose it...well, I lost it.
16..I miss singing.
17..Photography is one of my hobbies.
18..I dyed my hair for 30 years...now it's all natural....White of course. I earned every one of them..LOL (I've never had a perm)
19..I love white hair.
20..I love to grow things...inside and outside.
21..I would hate to give up my computer.
22..I like to live simple, but still be comfortable.
23..I have a lot of patience...so everybody says. There is a plaque hanging on my wall that says "Grant Me Patience Lord, But Hurry".
24..I love Christmas.
25..I love bright, sunny days. I used to lay in the sun, but don't do that any more.
26.I love snow.
27..I like to hang my clothes outside to dry.
28..I love to go to church.
29..I love people...(most of them)...I pray for the rest of them.
30..I love to sleep...(at one time, I could sleep 10 hours without waking up, but not now. I wish I could!
31..I have a sweet-tooth. (It's false, but I still have it) LOL
32..I am a diabetic.
33..I hate to fish.
34..I don't like sports. (sorry)
35..The sunrises and sunsets fasinate me.
36..I hate card games.
37..I have dandruff.
38..I love Gospel Music and Country Music (most of it)
39..I can play the piano.
40..I can follow directions.
41..I can't swim.
42..I can hang wall paper and paint.
43..I painted the outside of my house...(when I was younger)
44..I can't work as hard as I used to.
45..I love big Victorian Houses. (Had one and sold it) Boo Hoo!
46..I can use a chain saw.
47..I lined the brakes on my car.
48..I used to sew a lot. When my daughter was small, I made her a new dress every week until she was around five.
49..I'm in the process of making a quilt.
50..I would have liked to be a nurse.
51..I didn't go to college.
52..I graduated from high school.
53..Diet Coke is my favorite drink. (Bad)
54..When I first get up in the mornings, I don't like to talk. I just want silence.
55..I love a fireplace. (Gas)
56..I hate to carry out ashes.
57..I love a wood stove.
58..Read 56 again.
59..I do not cut my toenails or fingernails straight across.
60..Sometimes I forget to clean my face before I go to bed.
61..I go to bed between 9:30 and 11:00.
62..I get out of bed between 6:00 and 8:00.
63..I talk to my oldest grandson on the phone every day (sometimes more). He lives two hours away.
64..I love my grandchildren with every ounce of my being. Ryan, 21...and Lucas 12. They were both preemies. Ryan weighed 1 lb. and 8 oz.
65..I pray every day.
66..I wait on my sick husband every day. He has been sick for 13 years.
67..My Mother-in-law is 94. I keep her groceries and medicine up to date.She lives about 26 minutes from me.
68..I never sleep during the day.
69..I am afraid of wind, and somtimes I have scary dreams.
70..I take 8 pills a day.
71..I have high blood pressure. (controlled)
72..I like to sleep where it is totally dark.
73..I love my two children. Lisa 45, Gary, 41. I love them also... with every ounce of my being.
74..My husband says I look like I'm pregnant....(You should see him) LOL
75..I keep my medicine in a pill box and sometimes I forget to look at the box.
76..I have two cats...one inside and one outside that sleeps on a heating pad in the winter. He is 16 years old.
77..I love to do the garden thing..
78..I like to visit my daughter's third grade class while she is teaching. (Don't get to do that very often)
79..TV is O.K. , but don't watch it that much. I like the Health Channel and the Food Network. Every once in a while, a good movie on Lifetime. Oh, I like Super Nanny.
80..I love my blog. You are here. clarascorner.blogspot.com
81..I have a web-page.
www.picturetrail.com/crochetclara82..At the moment....I am "racking" my brain, to think of 18 more things about me....or is that "wracking"?
83..I can't spell worth a hoot!
84..I wish I were better with words. Some people are so gifted with words and know how to write them down on paper. I lost out on that!
85..Did I mention I loved my Grandchildren?
86..I'm getting wrinkles around my mouth (and other places).Lucas calls them stripes.
87..I wear glasses.
88..No Make-Up...unless I go to church or the funeral home.
89..I just now "unstopped" a commode.
90..I love hot tea...Constent Comment.
91..At the fair last year, I won "Best Of Show" for a painting I did on wood.
92..Did I mention I like to paint on wood material and walls?
93..I hate Gossip...altho I have been know to engage in it.
94..I love to read the Bible...need to read it more.
95..I hate stacks and stacks of newspapers. I never know what to do with them.
96..I like comfortable clothes...especially the ones that have elastic around the waist.
97..I hate high heeled shoes...especially the ones with the pointed toes. They are the ones my daughter likes.
98..I love purses.
99..There are two things I can never be without...Poly Fiber Fill and Coffee...(and yarn comes in there also.)
100..My hands are never idle...nor my mind for that matter..(unless I am having a senior moment, which seems to be happening more lately) My husband says I could build a house....I probably could....if I were younger....and had directions.