Sunday, February 22, 2009

Snow ....Again

This is my yard this morning. It snowed about two inches and the temperture is 26 degrees. Wind chill factor is probably about 18. My tulips, daffodils and crocus are up. We need the snow to help raise the water level. So, I will be happy and dream of Summertime. Hope all of you are having a good Sunday!


  1. We have snow here too, Clara. Did you send that snowstorm East to North Carolina? :-) You're right that we need the precipitation, but I can't help wishing for one of those warm, gentle, sweet spring rains! A Happy Sunday to you, too!

  2. Have you had a lot of snow this year, more than usual? Do you usually get much snow?

    When I was at David's in Virginia last week, there was a dusting of snow one day, but it was gone by noon.

    I hope that areas that need water get it. We're always on water restrictions here in Florida where I live.

  3. Hi Clara,

    I am here from Betsy's blog, and I live in Tn., too. I live near Nashville.

    It was super cold here today, around 27 degrees. We didn't get any snow. I would like to see a good snow before winter says its goodbyes.

  4. I got it, too, Clara. It was about 17 here this morning. I have been freezing all day and looking at recipes! All I do is eat when the weather is bad.

  5. Hi Clara, We had about an inch during the night and early this morning. But the sun came out between the flurries --so most of ours has melted except in shady areas. It didn't get out of the 20's here all day long... The bird seed which dropped from the hanging feeders FROZE to the deck...

    Overall, we haven't gotten much snow here this winter--several little ones. Now---maybe Spring will come!!!!


  6. We don't miss much in NE Arkansas, but we only got a few flakes. After the ice storm, we can get along without it.

  7. Oh my Goodness Clara, more snow!
    Wow, we had about a day of it here which settled for a few hours and was soon gone again. Hope you are well considering all that coldness though. Have gotten myself a great crocheting book so ploughing through it like mad - reading so far, the actual picking up of hook and yarn come much later. All the best. :)

  8. We haven't had any snow to speak of here in our neck of the woods in central ARK. Don't really care tho the way the world use to stop when snow was predicted. It is pretty to look at!


  9. Anonymous11:34 AM

    We haven't had any snow to speak of here in our neck of the woods in central ARK. Don't really care tho the way the world use to stop when snow was predicted. It is pretty to look at!


  10. Yes, the snow was a shock to me coming from 3 weeks of sun. We also had a couple of inches.

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  11. I leave CA this Thursday to go back to AR. I've so enjoyed the southern CA weather. I hope AR's winter is over and that we don't dip back into freezing temps.
    I'll be back to CA in a few weeks where our whole family will spend time together for Courtney's spring break.
    I'm not a fan of snow or cold weather. I am a sissy, wimpy person when it comes to cold.
    Wrap up nice and warm, Clara!!!!!

  12. Clara, you're getting more snow than I am here in DE!

    We're still waiting for one good snow!
