Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Did anyone watch American Idol last night? The last boy that sang was my favorite.....Danny Gokey. He blew the rest of them away as far as I'm concerned. Titianna did a little better. She didn't act so silly. She really has a beautiful voice. I also like the boy from Chappel Hill NC. Tonight we will get to see the three that recieved the most votes from the group that preformed last night. I think Danny Gokey will be one of them.


  1. HOwdy Clara!! Cant say I watch AI but I know a lot of folks do & really like it. Love the Peacock!!

  2. I think you are right Clara. The last guy was great. I was flipping back and forth between Idol and Biggest Loser. I am such a nut about these Reality Shows. My kids think I am crazy!

  3. Hi Clara,
    Hope all is well with you. Thanks for idea of scanned flower. Will definitely have a go

  4. I didn't watch. I quickly got burned out on American Idol and Survivor, so I don't watch them any more.

    Have a good day, Clara!

  5. Hi Clara,
    The white peacock is beautiful! I didn't watch Idol, but I used to watch it all the time.

  6. Yes I did see it and I agree with you. Danny was incredible.
    your Albino Peacock is like a lacy piece of art!

  7. Clara, Reckon me and you could lay aside our little projects and accept an award? We do stay busy making things, don't we.

    I got an award and passed it on to you. You will find it on my blog so go there to see.

  8. Dear Clara,
    Thanks for visiting my blog...and keeping me in your loop. I love American Idol, too, because it is so interesting to see the different kinds of talent they have. Beautiful flower pic! I will be checking on the blog you mentioned that has all the flowers. We had snow here last night, and I'll bet you had a lot more. I love to see it.
    More later. Love, Ruby

  9. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Danny is most favorite also.

