Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Friend Carolyn's Family.....

My friend Carolyn came to visit today and we finished up the "detail work" on her critters. The Red Hat snow lady is my favorite. The other three are "old timers" but still wanted to make their picture all together. All of these were made by Carolyn. Now we are both starting on an afghan. These little fella's and the afghans will be going to the fair come fall!


  1. I like the Red hat lady, but they are all so cute.

  2. Oh Clara, TOO cute... I love that Red hat lady with her legs crossed. Looks like she has as much tummy as I do.. ha ha

    LOVE ALL OF THEM. Thanks!

  3. Those are the cutest things ever!
    I think that red hat lady is wonderful!!!


  4. They're all adorable, Clara! That Red Hat snow lady has got SASS! :-)
    You and Carolyn sure are talented!

  5. That red hat critter is so cute but I like the elf, too. You all will sure win a prize. I just love the header on your blog. The flowers look like lilacs and they are my very favorite flower. I just love their scent.

  6. They are adorable. I am sure you will be winning some prizes with the things that you make!!!

  7. Snow lady is just too charming for words... She looks a bit sassy.

  8. they are all adorable, but I agree my favorite as well is your red hat snow lady. very, very nice work.

  9. They are all adorable sitting there!!

  10. Nice to have a friend to work on crafts with you.

  11. Hi Clara,
    lovely to see your work. Also enjoyed the flower photo . Is it Lilac ? Gives hope of summer days to come !

  12. Thanks to all of you for your comments. Judy and Barbara...the flower is a lilac. I made the picture last summer in my back yard. I can smell it now. It won't be long!!!!

  13. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Thanks everyone for your comments on " my Family" I have to say that I had more fun making the red hat snow lady than the elfs and gingerbread boy. She cheers me up . I can't walk by her without smiling .. I am thinking about making her some ears and putting in red and purple earrings. carolyn

  14. Lovely work Clara, I am sure you will have no problem finding a home for them!
