Saturday, February 28, 2009

The cutting of the trees.....

My son-in-law came today and cut down some trees for me. Some of them were dead and some were half dead. Now it will be a lot easier to mow come Spring. Here are a few pictures I made after he finished. The next thing is to have a brush fire. Oh Boy! I can't wait for that!
I enjoyed cooking for them today. I had fried chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes baked in the oven, a big salad and a Sultana cake. Ryan and Lucas were happy to be here and I was happy to see them. It didn't last long enough!


  1. Hi Clara, Those boys will probably come back anytime that you need some work done---just to get a great dinner like that... Wow!!!!

    Glad you got your dead trees down.. Good Luck with the brush fire.

  2. I have several more trees I want cut down, too, Clara. Looks like he did a great job. Just don't set the house on fire with the brush fire!

  3. Call me when you get those fires going.... I'll bring the marshmallows.

  4. I love your new header picture. It gives me hope of Spring. It is supposed to be 9 degrees here tomorrow night.

    If I come and visit, will you show my how to make good down home fried chicken?

  5. Hello Clara
    Thanks for dropping in recently and leaving your kind words when I was feeling down - hearing from 'friends' made things seem not quite so bad
    Does nobody want the wood to dry for their winter fires Clara?
    Don't mention having a bonfire down here at the moment, with our terrible bushfires this past dew weeks being burnt in the forests and roundabout to last us a lifetime.
    Take care

  6. Clara, Please be careful. The last time you burned something you set your car on fire. Remember.

    The limb here are many from the recent Ice Storm, and I wish we could burn them, but that not permissible. They are being removed but the process is slow.

  7. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Move the cars !!!!!! Carolyn

  8. Hey Clara...I sure wish I lived close by. I'd come over and help you pick all that up---especially if you'd cook a meal like that!:-) What is Sultana cake, by the way?

    Please do be careful when you have that bonfire! As everyone says, please move those cars...and have the water hoses ready!

  9. Oh Beth, I wish you lived close by too! We tried to move some of them yesterday and it was so cold we had to come in to the fire.
    You ask about the Sultana cake. I didn't know what sultana's were until I wrote and ask her. We call them "Golden Raisins." I got the recipe from Mrs. B's recipes. She lives in NW Lancs: UK. Here's her website if you want to find the recipe.
    That cake is WONDERFUL and easy to make. I made another one today!

  10. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Thanks, Clara! Sultana cake sounds wonderful---I'll check that out right away. Now--if I could only learn to make good fried chicken...

  11. Looks like you had several trees to cut Clara. It will make mowing easier and less leaves too! Be careful with the bonfire! Invite them again for smores!!

  12. Better invite the neighbors and have a huge wiener roast! Nice to have help, isn't it?

  13. Hi , yes that is our back yard looking over in the field. by now I am sure you have snow . It was heading your way.

  14. i like your theme description.. about life shouldn't be about waiting for the storm to end..
    quite a thought there for me today.

    Been nice visiting you.

    from One Day at a Time/Refletions

  15. I love the new header picture too,do you call them Lilacs also? You got a great days work done in the garden.

  16. I'd like to have eaten some of your good cooking!
    We have a couple of dead or nearly dead trees that need to be cut down.
    Those branches will make SOME bonfire!
    Time for some s'mores!
