Sunday, March 02, 2008

This is Terrible.....

I don't know how to begin. You remember my Mother-in-law died this past July. Her house sold and this young single Mom was living in it. Her little girl is four years old. Her Mother and sister live in the two adjoining houses. This house is in a sharp curve. This morning at 1:20 AM a pick-up truck ran through the house. The girl living there was asleep on the couch with the flu. Her daughter was with the Dad. The truck ran over her and then knocked the gas stove all the way into the next room. They found her UNDER the truck. There was a big explosion. The house went up in flames in an instant they said. It was so hot the fire department couldn't get to her and her Mother was yelling to let her go in to get my daughter. Isn't that a horrible nightmare? I cannot imagine what she is going through. I went to see her today and all we could do was hug and cry. She kept saying, "I can't believe she's gone." We prayed together and said that God would not leave us nor forsake us. I pray she will find some peace in her heart tonight and in the months to come as she grieves for her precious daughter.
A fifteen year old girl was driving the truck and a seventeen year old boy was a passenger. They fled the secne. The law apprehended them walking a few blocks away. I feel sorry for their families. What will happen to both of their young lives.
I made some pictures of the house, but couldn't bring myself to post them. I have cried all day!


  1. Oh Clara

    That is so sad. It sounds like you are a good friend to the bereaved Mother and I'm sure you will a great help to her.


  2. This is the sort of thing that we pray we never have to be witness to or have happen to us or those we love.
    I am so very sorry.
    God bless you all and comfort you throughout this horrible time.

  3. Oh Clara, I am so sorry. How hard.

  4. What a horrible thing!! Truly horror of horrors.
    I am so sorry for all the pain and grief that poor woman and everyone is going through. How awful.
