Sunday, February 24, 2008

Good Day For a Fire.....

Ryan sent me this picture of their wood stove. I would like to have my feet turned up in front of the stove. But I have had my gas logs burning and it was good. I'm working on another knitted sock. Bill is still wanting to stay in the bed most of the time. He gets up to go to the bath room and that's about it. Loretta, his sister and her husband came today. That seemed to perk him up a little. Tomorrow he has an appointment with his heart dr. I dread getting him there and back. "Life may not be the party we expected, but while we are here, we might as well dance". And dance, I will!!!


  1. Oh Clara, you poor dear! I hope taking Bill to the doctor wasn't too hard. My husband very seldom gets out of bed anymore.

    You have a wonderful attitude and that is very important!! You keep dancing!!!

  2. I hope his doctor visit went okay. I feel so sorry for him and for you. Dance away, Clara, and maybe Bill will be dancing with you soon. I hope he feels better soon. That fall really messed him up.
