Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Took My Blackberry Back!!!!

The first problem I had with my Blackberry was figuring out how to turn it off! It was minus two icons therefore I never got the e-mail part working. The numbers and alphabet were so tiny, I had to have a magifying glass to see them. Now I have a Razor and it is a lot better. The only thing it won't do is shave your legs! LOL
I'm trying to get back in the groove and posting more often. Bear with me!!!!!


  1. It's called a Razor and it doesn't shave legs???!!
    I'm gonna read your previous post now...

  2. Hi, Clara. Villas Girl just told lme to check Rachel's comments - that you had said hi to me. So of course I had to check out your blog. Very nice indeed! I'll be back again I'm sure.
    A belated Happy New Year!

  3. Must have been having a senior moment when I wrote the last comment. I'd intended to tell you how much I liked those snowflakes on your Christmas tree. Really beautiful!
