Friday, December 28, 2007

Here's my "Blackberry"

Here's my phone Lisa got me for Christmas. It's almost as good as the iphone...just not a touch screen. The screen didn't show up, but it has all of these little icons just like a computer. And it is a crmera phone too! Thank you Lisa..... I will be careful and won't drop it into a cup of coffee!!!!


  1. Merry Christmas Clara!

    Chae had a Blackberry a couple of years ago. His most difficult task at first was to figure out how to turn it off. I guess if you didn't do it correctly, it just went into sleep mode. This is when they first came out.

    I'm so glad that you are enjoying your family. Blessings to you all!

  2. Hi Clara!! Has the fat woman stopped eating yet?? LOL I loved that post below and I'm so glad you had a wonderful Christmas with your family!!

    Your new phone sounds really cool!! I can't get anything too complicated since I can't figure them out!

    Happy New Year to you and Bill!!

  3. Hi Clara,
    Glad you got a Blackberry.
    Dh has one for work .Hes on call 7x24 .It works great!
    Hope you enjoy.
    Blessins', Lib

  4. Clara, you're waaaayyyy more "technologically savvy" than I am!

    Looks like you figured out what that thing is for! :0)

  5. I sure get lost in all this modern technology! I never heard of a 'Blackberry' before, except for those in my freezer! Now I need to 'Google' it to see what it's all about.
    Happy New Year Clara.

  6. Clara is there gonna be enough of the "Blackberry" to make a cobbler with? HAppy New Year!

  7. My son got an iphone from my parents for Christmas.
    He LOVES that phone!! It is a very cool phone; I must admit.
    Sorry to hear your Blackberry didn't work out for you.
    I hope you enjoy the Razor, even if it doesn't have the capacity to shave.
