Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Check out the size of this tomato!

Not a very bright picture, but wanted you to see the FIRST tomato I picked from my garden! It is sitting beside a regular cup. Now won't that make a good tomato sandwich?
Rachel had a picture of a big onion on her blog today.


  1. Clara, that's a pretty tomato! Ours are very small this year, I guess because of the dry spell. Still good tho.

  2. That looks mighty good Clara! Put a slice of my big onion and a slice of your big tomato together on a big old sandwich, along with some mayo, some deli meat, and cheese, and yum, yum, yum!!!!!

  3. Oh Clara, I am waiting for our first tomato big enough for a sandwich!!! Enjoy sweet Sister!!

  4. DOG GONE! Hey I want a BLT!!!

  5. Clara, thanks for telling me about Myrtle Beach. Seems I read the crepe myrtle were brought into our country in that area so maybe that is why.

  6. Hey my friend Clara in TN! I have just about matored out for this year. Nice size one you have there. Jerrell had enough for us and our neighbors. I will eat one before I let it go to the bad, so I have eaten a gracious plenty. One night I sliced up 6 mid sized ones and ate them with italian dressing sprinkled over them. I do love my mators.

  7. One tomato sandwich, please!
    Hold the mayo!!!
