Thursday, July 26, 2007

Boone and Blowing Rock, NC

I spent the day in Boone and Blowing Rock NC. That's me on the left and in the center is my friend Patricia from Flordia and Nancy from Tucson, AZ. We all worked together at Raytheon many years ago. It was a beautiful day and I had forgotten how much I liked being in that part of the area. Pat and Nancy, if you see this....thanks for a wonderful day. See you this time next year....hopefully!!!!!


  1. It looks like you are having so much fun! Great picture.

  2. Clara, what a pretty lady your are!
    Looks like ya'll were having a fun day.

  3. Well, you all look wonderful!! So nice that you got to get together with them.

  4. How fun. So, ya'll get together every year? Do you switch off where you meet?

  5. Thats nice that yall stay in touch. Looks like yall had fun.

  6. I love that area too, Clara! In fact, while we celebrated my parent's 65th anniversary in NY this year....we all gathered in Boone to celebrate the occasion 15 year's ago this month. It was wonderful and I have fond memories of that area.

  7. clara! You were up here and didn't look me up!? Hope you enjoyed our lovely weather. Visit Banner Elk next time!
    Patricia- homesteadheaven
