Monday, September 03, 2012


Beth...these make me think of you!   Most morning glory flowers unravel into full bloom in the early morning.  Thus getting their name.  The flowers usually start to fade a few hours before the "petals" start showing visable curling.  They prefer full sun throughout the day.  Some morning glories are night blooming flowers.  I imagine they are called "night glories" or maybe "moon glories".  Some people don't like them because of their fast growing and twining habit.  On the other hand,   other people like them because they are excellent vines for creating summer shade on building walls when trellised, thus keeping the building cooler and reducing heating and cooling costs.  I like them for their beauty and they make me think of my Mother.  She always planted a few seed in the spring around the porch when we were small.  What are your feelings on this viney flower?


  1. Such a wonderful post. I do love morning glories so much and your pictures are so nice. Haven't seen any of those flowers around my part of Virginia. Bet if I got out in the fields I'd see some. Have a good week.... oh, and happy Labor day

  2. I love morning glories too. Your pictures are great. I love how the center looks like a light. I haven't grown them for the past several years. I tried to this year but a big buck got in my back yard and helped himself.

  3. Hi Clara! Well, I guess you know what I think of morning glories, haha! I do love them dearly although I'm afraid this year they swallowed my porch.

    Haha...just kidding---we can at least still see the porch furniture. :-)

    Your glories are lovely, Clara. Hope you're doing well!
