Friday, December 23, 2011


From Thanksgiving to Christmas.....where have I been?????  Isn't it amazing how time flies?   The days are short and the nights are long.     It seems I couldn't get everything together this year.   I had to MAKE myself put up the tree and I still have a few packages to wrap.     Lisa and her family are visiting her husbands relatives in that means no grandboys for Christmas.  They will be back right after Christmas and will come stay with me for a few days.   Here's a picture of my tree.   The only ornaments are crocheted snowflakes.   I will celebrate His birthday  and be happy for all my blessings!


  1. Merry Christmas, Clara. I see this is the second year for you. I found the second year was really harder than the first. You think you are back to a normal, or the "new normal" has kicked in, and it all comes sweeping in. I'm glad your family will be with you after Christmas.

    I love your tree. Your snowflakes are lovely.

  2. You are right Beverly. The first year is more like a blur or a bad dream. Now reality has set in and it seems harder this year.

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Merry Christmas Clara, and Happy New Year! HIS birthday is what Christmas is all about, and it is a wonderful thing to celabrate His birth...what a gift to us!

  4. Thinking of you this Christmas. Hoping waves of peace will come over you and that you'll have beautiful new memories made when the boys come to see you.
    I hope you will decide to pamper yourself and enjoy the day. You are worth it and your loved ones and friends wish it for you!
    ~ t.

  5. Special events, like Christmas, can be so hard, Clara. Your second without Bill, my first without Elbert. But, we do go on and live with thoughts of tomorrow. Grandsons are such a blessing, Their sweet innocence and unconditional love helps heal the broken heart.

  6. Hi there, Clara. I'm a bit late for Christmas, but I did want to wish you a New Year of peace and blessings. I know you must be enjoying your grandsons right now. I hope that being around those who love you will bring you comfort and joy. I think of and pray for you and your family often. All the best in 2012!

  7. Clara, I hope your Christmas was a blessed one and I wish you a very Happy New Year!!! Your crocheted ornaments are so pretty!!!
