Monday, August 08, 2011

Memory Monday....Our Entertainment As Children.....and more!

Can you remember what you did for entertainment when you were a kid?  I can....We played Hop Scotch,  Red Rover, May I, Chinese Checkers   and Hide and Seek.   Then when we got tired of doing that we build play houses in the woods.  I remember sweeping out a clean ":room" and placing rocks around it.   We would slice potatoes and put them in salt water and thought they were good.   We didn't know about the X-Box,  ipods, ipads and iphones.  I remember one time, I had a new pair of jeans.  I must have been around seven or eight.  I had worn them so long they woiuld have stood up by their self when I took them off.   My Mother finally got them off of me and put them in the wringer washing machine.   I got them out of the washing machine and put them on wet.   My Daddy must have been close by, because I looked up and he was coming throught the apple orchard.  As he came by one tree he broke off a limb.   He took the jeans off me and switched my wet legs.  You wouldn't believe how much more it hurts when your legs are wet.  I learned my lesson and never again did I try to get ANYTHING out of the washing machine to wear before it was ready.  


  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I remember playing those games, I especially liked Chinese Checkers, and also "lined" my play house with rocks and I loved to find moss to put down as "carpet". But my very favorite thing to play with when I was a little girl was my paper dolls. I loved paper dolls, and had a huge box of them. I never could understand why my two sisters did not like to play with paper dolls.

  2. I played a lot of the same games you did, Clara, especially Red Rover and Mother, May I. I never ran out of things to do. It amazes me to hear modern kids say they're "bored." So many choices these days---I cannot conceive of boredom! My "kids" are 22 and 23 now, but they always knew better than to say they were "bored." I told them that if they said that, I'd definitely find them something to do. Involving a dustrag, a broom, or a vacuum cleaner, haha...
