Saturday, July 09, 2011

My Trip to San Diego, CA

Here are just a few of the MANY, MANY picture I made in San Diego. That's us on the sail boat. It belongs to Fred and Denise....the couple we stayed with.  Click twice on any photo to enlarge.

Here we are at Safari Park. It is part of the San Diego Zoo.

This is Palomar Observatory Telescope. The dome opens up and the telescope inside is just as big.

An Orange Grove. We drove through it.

We went camping one night and I loved it. First time I had been camping since Lisa and Gary were small. It was wonderful.   Ryan and Lucas have on their pajama's and note the jackets.  It was really cool.....7000 feet above sea level!

This was at our camp site. That's Lisa reading Gap Creek by Robert Morgan and that's me sitting there waiting until she gets through so I can read it! It's a good book!

We drove into Tecate, Mexico one day. Here is a sidewalk sale and entertainment outside the restaurant where we ate.

This is really a diet coke.

We were seranated at our table as we ate.

This was my plate of food. Tortillas, refried beans and rice. Doesn't that sound like Mexico> It was good!

This is SHAMU at Sea World.

Here we were in the tram riding though the "bush country" to see the wild animals. It truly felt like I was in Africa. Loved it! Safari Park is GREAT!

Hot air balloon at the zoo. We were going to ride it but it was $17.00 a piece for just a few minutes so we thought it was sufficient to watch from the ground. It was tethered.

Donaldo, Lisa Ryan and Lucas at La Jolla Beach. A beautiful place. Here is where the "rich" people live. (well, ONE place)

This is Anza Borrego. America's largest state park. In the distance you can see miles and miles of desert and the salt sea.

Part of the Safari Park.

You can by-pass this one if you like. It's Lisa, Ryan and Lucas. I'm glad that's her instead of me!

And here....we are taking a break from the zoo and park and eating lunch on the ground in the parking lot. I liked it. Well, that's just a few of the "shots" I made. Hope you enjoyed looking at them. If you did...maybe I will post more later.
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  1. It looks like you had a wonderful time, Clara!

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Loved the pictures...want to see more!!

  3. What memories, Clara. You see, Elbert and my first home was in San Diego and you were in so many places I remembered, the zoo, the orange groves, the water. Let me tell you about the zoo. Elbert had duty the night before the ship sailed to Korea and war and I was lonely. A friend and I went to the zoo that afternoon and we went into the snake house. Those snakes scared the beegeebees out of us both. When we got back to our rooms, they were side by side, she wouldn't sleep in her room and spent the night with me. We were such scaredy cats.

  4. It looks like you had a great time!!!

  5. It looks like you had a great time and all of these pictures are so beautiful. You guys are rocking.

  6. Anonymous8:58 PM

    We stayed in Pacific Beach on our trip to San Diego and I absolutely fell in love with the city. The food, the ocean, and the fact that everything is so close. Visas are associated with the request for permission to enter (or exit) a country. I’ve been to LA (twice), Santa Barbara, and San Francisco, too, but San Diego is by far my favorite.

  7. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I live in San Diego. I love the whole area. The nice mild weather, the varied climate, the people, the laid back attitude, and the ocean. USA green card holder is also known as a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR). I love going down to the bay and sitting and watching the boats sail across the water with the Seagulls making noises and flying around.
