Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Is It Hot Where You Are?

  I'm sorry if I complained about the snow last Winter and up into the Spring.  It seems I even complained about Dogwood Winter.   Now .....why did I do that?


  1. I complained, too....a lot. But even back then I said it would not be long till I was complaining of the is miserable here. But I will still take the heat over the cold to the bone feeling in the winter.

  2. It is miserable here in southeast Kansas too. Yesterday was cooler at 93.

  3. We have had a cool spring. Temps are nice for doing garden work and sitting on the deck in the sun with a good book but the cold and wet make it hard to have a garden.
    Yes I did complain about the cold, wet winter and I'll probably do it again and again. And if the temps get too hot I'll complain about that too. Too bad we can't have a nice mild temp year round.
