Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Square # 10 .....

A little girl teaching her dolly and her cat,   Double click to enlarge.


  1. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I really like the material you are using as borders on the squares. Did you get this especially for these squares, or did you already have on hand? It matches the squares so well! You are so talented; I admire your skills.


  2. Paulette, A few were already finished and some I had to finish. I already had all kinds of small print to do the job. I have been working on another square all week. I soon will have enought to make another row on my quilt. I'm glad you are enjoying them. I don't want to bore any one, but I really don't know what else to blog about right now. This had helped me tremendously,,,,to keep my mind occupied. Aren't you Moo Bear's (Cludia) friend? How is she?

  3. Anonymous6:44 PM

    I went back and looked at all the squares. This is going to be the cutest thing ever. I just love it. I am totally out of blogging stuff, too. I have really let my other blogs go since the cooking blog has so many people on it on Facebook. It keeps me busy by itself.

  4. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Yes, I am Moo Bear's (Claudia) friend. I talked with her a little over a week ago. She is having some health issues, especially with her back, and is not feeling too well right now. Since I moved to the beach almost two years ago I don't get to see her as often as I would like, but we stay in touch by phone & e-mails. I'm so glad working on this quilt has helped you; you have certainly been through a lot. I have thought of you often, and have been, and will continue to remember you in my prayers. God Bless!
