Tuesday, July 06, 2010


I had such a nice visit with Ruby.   She made us a root beer float and gave me a tour of her house.  She has so many pretty things.  I think it's tomorrow gramps is flying to Texas and then she is going to drive.   I'm so glad I got to meet her.  Judy, I wish you could have been there.    Here's wishing you well on your move to Texas.  You will be missed by many, I am sure!   I'm glad you are my friend!

An Africian Violet from Ruby.


  1. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Hi Clara, I know you had a great time visiting with Ruby. The pictures are great of you both. I know she has to be as sweet and funny and friendly in person as she is on her blog. Thanks for posting about your visit. I really enjoyed reading about it, too.

  2. Oh how wonderful to meet a blogging friend! Isn't it great!!
    I loved the photos and you both look like delightful, friendly, and fun ladies!!

  3. I have not visited you in awhile, and I do not know why!!! I am so glad you got to meet a blogging friend. I think that is the neatest idea. I would love to meet all of you I feel I almost know from our sharing our lives on the blogesphere. I'll be back I promise.


  4. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Dee from Tennessee

    I thought about you two all day Friday -- so glad that you all got to meet each other and thanks to blogs and fb it will be so easy to stay in touch. (But there is something about special about knowing that a blogger is within driving distance, isn't there?) I admire both of you ladies so much!
