Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Blue Dishes....

I bought these at an antique store last week in Knoxville.   Ice cream tastes so good from them.  I've already had a banana split.   The  dishes in my china cabinet are blue, so I think these will make an interesting addition.


  1. Beautiful. Blue is my favorite color. They would fit perfectly on my table! and, yes, ice cream or a banana split would be divine!

  2. Clara, they are lovely. I love blue dishes too!! Very nice!!

  3. Hello Clara
    They are a fabulous find - look at those tall parfait glasses - I could just go a Knickerbocker Glory right now lol

  4. I love blue and those ice cream dishes are gorgeous!
    I have some doilies just like the one your dishes are sitting on.

  5. Anonymous6:22 PM

    These dishes are so pretty. I love them. I have blue dishes, too, and blue is my favorite color. I bet those grandsons will love having ice cream out of those!

  6. What a great find. Beautiful. The blue would make a banana split taste better.

  7. Those dishes are so pretty, Clara! I'd probably have my ice cream melting in those because I'd sit so long admiring how lovely the ice cream looks in them!:-)

    By the way, I just now noticed that you dedicated the Aging Tater to me. Thank you! That really touches me, Clara and tickles me because I really loved that post. It was hilarious.

  8. They are lovely and I'll bet that banana split was awesome in them!!
    Nice find!
