Friday, February 05, 2010

Baby Booties.....

Since I don't have anything else to do (YEAH RIGHT) ....I knitted these baby booties out of the small amount of yarn I had left over from my last pair of socks.    We're going to get more snow this week-end, so I will keep my knitting needles handy.


  1. Hello Clara
    They look different - Is there any chance of you posting the the pattern Clara
    Take care

  2. Anonymous6:38 PM

    These are the cutest things. You are so talented. You need another grandbaby to wear them!lol. I think we are supposed to get mostly rain this weekend. I hope you don't get snowed under.

  3. How cute. I agree, you need more little feet to put them on.
    Rain, rain & more rain here.

  4. Oh how cute!! You make me want to get my knitting needles back out too!
    However we are getting some lovely sunshine days and I have been getting my gardens all cleaned out in preparation of the grand entrance of Miss.SPRING! Woo-hoo. my favorite season is on it's way!
    I hope you are having a good week end even if it is a cold one.

  5. Hi Clare, Haven't heard from you in awhile--so decided to check on you. Glad Hospice is helping with your hubby's situation. They are so good --and can help you as much as they can help him.

    Love your booties... TOO cute...

    We had a little snow here during the night. It was just a dusting --but is pretty.

  6. I bet you did those in no time flat! They are cute! Love the color!!

  7. Those booties are beautiful, Clara. I love the colors---so rich and warm. You are a very talented lady.
