Thursday, October 22, 2009

My T-Shirt

    The picture was too big in the next post...... sorry!


  1. How wonderful that you are involved with creating awareness of this issue, Clara - as someone who's grandmother died from breast cancer, it is something close to my heart. Just yesterday I went for my annual check up and breast examination - here in Africa so many people are uneducated about this mostly preventable (if caught early enough)form of cancer. Love the t-shirt !

  2. I like your t-shirt and glad you enjoyed yourself. This is a great cause. Have a good weekend.

  3. Wonderful, Clara.

  4. Loretta Gentry9:14 PM

    What a great t-shirt. You are a wonderful sister in-law.

  5. They had one of the cancer symposiums, they called it, here on Friday, but I had something else going on that day. Hoorah on winning the T-shirt!

  6. Hi Clara, What a neat t-shirt. I think I've told you that I have a good friend (one of my childhood friends I was with last week in Maggie Valley) who has breast cancer. Hers has spread to her bones and we are all so worried about her.

    Thanks for keeping the cure going...

  7. Praise the Lord and AMEN to that!!!
    A friend of mine was just diagnosed with breast cancer. She is my age, and the good news is that her lymph nodes are cancer free.
    I hope you will say a prayer for her as she is going through chemo now.
    GREAT t-shirt!!!!!
    God bless you, Clara.
