Thursday, July 23, 2009

Just three Photos.....

A heartshaped potato..... My exchange square for the month of July...It is called Firecracker Square.
And a Hibiscus blooming in my friend Carolyn's yard. The bloom is bigger than a plate.


  1. Glad to see you again, and with a heart too! Nature surprises us sometimes. Love the dinner plate hibiscus, they are so pretty.

    Leedra’s Photos For Fun

  2. Hey, did you eat the potato? Wouldn't it have made lovely thinly sliced chips? All heart shaped.

  3. My hibiscus has never bloomed! Drives me crazy. I don't know what the problem could be. I thought not enough sun but now after getting the trees cut it has sun and still no blooms! That is some potato you have there.

  4. Oh, Clara, I just love that heart-shaped potato! I'm glad you took a picture of it before you ate it. The crochet square is so pretty. And, my goodness, that hibiscus is amazing---so lovely.

  5. Great pictures, Clara.

  6. Hi Clara, Love ALL three photos. Can't believe that potato.. Glad you took a picture. AND--your square is beautiful... Lastly, the HUGE Hibiscus is so pretty... Wow!!!


  7. I am a "heart" nut....LOVE the potato!


  8. I just love digging up odd shaped potatoes!!!Your 'heart' is special!

    Love your firecracker square. It is really striking. I miss having time to crochet and knit, but all my yarn is just waiting for me and come winter we shall meet again!

    I saw Hibiscus when I was in San Diego, but they weren't that big. I sure wish I could grow them here. But our climate or something apparently isn't quite right because the blossoms just won't open all the way.

    Thanks for sharing your photos Clara.

  9. You need to send the picture of you and the heart to FarmGirl Fare. She collects rocks shaped like hearts..

  10. That hibiscus is amazing!!!

    What a neat potato. You don't see one shaped like a heart very often. Maybe you can sell it on ebay for a million bucks. Well, if it had an image on it of Jesus or the Virgin Mary, then you know it would sell for a fortune!

