Saturday, April 25, 2009


A bowl hued from a log that she used to make bread. It has a chip out of one corner, but I consider myself lucky to have it. I don't remember my great grandmother, but my grandmother on my Mother's side gave me these before she died about 45 years ago.
And a wooden churn made from cherry with brass bands. I had to have a lid made for it, but the dasher is orginal. I can remember churning in a crock churn when I was growing up, and we couldn't wait until the butter came through the little hole in the top of the lid. We always had to have a taste. The bonnet belonged to my Mother.


  1. Oh Clara, isn't it special when we have things belonging to our grandparents (or great grandparents)??? That makes us feel as if they are still here with us---at least a part of them. How special.

    Love that churn!!!

    How are your baby birds???
    Hugs, Betsy

  2. What special keepsakes, Clara. I know treasure them beyond measure.

  3. Livinglifeafter6512:48 PM

    Your treasures are beautiful and wonderful. I'm glad you shared.

  4. How wonderful that you have these precious items, carefully handed down through the generations ! It's great that you have them displayed, too & not stuck away in a cupboard somewhere. Thanks for showing them to us !

  5. Those are real treasures... the bowl especially. Wow! Your great grandma used that very bowl!!!
    The churn and bonnet are so nice to have.

  6. Dear Clara,
    How very special! I know you do treasure them. I don't have anything that belonged to my grandparents or great ones. I do have a few things that belonged to my mom. She would be 108 if she were still living, so most of what I have of hers is at least 50 years old. I will post some pictures of them. Stories will accompany them. Thanks for reminding me. Love, Ruby

  7. Wonderful treasures. I also remember using the crock churns. Never even saw a wooden churn until I was grown.

    Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra
