Friday, February 06, 2009


Ryan sent me this picture. He wanted me to put it on my blog. They are hanging from his front porch.


  1. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Nice picture there, Clara (and Ryan)! And those are some pretty impressive icicles. So pretty against the blue sky. We have quite a few of our own here in North Carolina (even on my car), but they are finally beginning to melt in the 52-degree sunshine!

  2. To day it is 61. This weather is so changeable. I am wishing for spring and flowers.

  3. Hi Clara, I have had enough icicles to last me a lifetime. lol. Thank you so much for all your times visiting and checking on me. Things are almost back to normal. Thank God! I am glad your boys are better and love the animal pictures. I have a lot of catching up to do. Thanks again for all your concern. I have missed you!

  4. The icicles are beautiful. Hope he didn't get the ice lilke we got . Many in this area are still without power.

  5. Nice photo, Rylan!

    This week, we (me & daughter) built a tiny snowman in the parking lot of the dentist's office (we had a long wait b4 our appt.) and used icicles off the van to make his arms and hair. Icicles are so beautiful. I remember as a child, my dad would stop the car to let us kids grab an icicle from rocks to suck on as we drove. Country roads meant that we didn't think about pollution or traffic!

  6. Even with all our cold weather, I don't think I saw one icicle. As a kid, I always thought that was the best tasting ice I ever had, the cool clear icicle.
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Your grandson is taking after you with the camera ready for photos. He will learn to appreciate all of these wonderful sights and be ready to click!
