Friday, January 30, 2009

They are feeling better!!!!

Here's an update on the boys. I took them to the Doctor and they both had a virus and a sinus infection. The Doctor wrote an excuse for Lucas to be out of school until Monday. (His birthday) Ryan is O.K. with work. They are both feeling better. The cough medicine really did the trick. It should have tasted a little like gold. It was 45.00. But I would have paid much more to have them better. We have had a lazy week. We haven't over exerted ourself...taking naps, eating, looking at magazines, and reading stories. Tomorrow, I will take them home. Hopefull they will continue to get well. I want SPRING!!!!!


  1. I know Clara it is the end hopefully of a long cold winter and we can all do with some spring sunshine and hope.
    Hang in there!

  2. So glad all is better. We have sunshine and the ice is on it's way out.

  3. A virus + a sinus infection = misery

    I'm sure they will continue on their road to recovery. The tender, loving care of Grandma was just the medicine they needed! Well, the medicine from the doctor helped a little bit too, also.


  4. Hi Clara, I have given your blog an award. if you visit my blog you can read about it and pick it up.

  5. Clara, I'm so glad to hear that Ryan and Lucas are feeling better. I've had my share of sinus infections, so I know how awful they make you feel.

    And I'm right there with you in yearning for spring. Our furnace has gone out three times in the past two weeks, always when it is the coldest outside. I am so tired of wearing a coat indoors and so tired of typing with numb fingers!

  6. ahhhh, spring. What a joy to wish for.

  7. Mason (1 yr old grandson) had RSV on his birthday. It must really be going around. He is better and we are going to have his first birthday party on Saturday.

    Leedra’s Photos For Fun

    Leedra’s Greeting Cards

    Photography By Leedra

  8. Dear Clara,
    Glad the boys are better. You must be areally great nurse!
    We are expecting snow tomorrow, but it probably won't be around too long.. I am ready for spring, as well!

  9. I am so glad they are doing better. Just being with you helped, I am sure. They sure love their Grandma!!
