Don't they look cute together? There's one more that I haven't made....an elf. I doubt if I will get him made before Christmas. The snowman went to live with my sister-in-law, Loretta. We went to visit Carolyn today and she was hoping Loretta would forget Mr. Snowman. She didn't!
Where is Bluff City? I have a dear friend named Loretta, lives in Newport, she has a sister Carolyn. Made me read again.
ReplyDeleteThey do look so well together.
Hi Leedra, Bluff city, is just outside of Bristol, TN. It is as far NE as you can go in TN. Bristol is a twin city...half in TN and half in VA. Bristol is know for the NASCAR Motor Speedway. Bluff City is a little wide spot in the road!
ReplyDeleteI have always heard of Bluff City, just wasn't sure where it is. Now think you may have already explained that to me. (Getting old on this end.) Coming from your direction we are the I40 exit before you get to Gatlinburg. Gatlinburg is the 407 exit. We are at the 412 exit. I also left you a LONG comment on your 100 things about yourself post. Just in case you do not receive emails about your comments.
ReplyDeleteI tried ti distract them when they were getting ready to leave but drat , she remembered Mr. Snowman . Carolyn