Sunday, December 28, 2008


And doing well. The pain has subsided and he can put a little weight on his leg. Both the fibula and the tibula in the lower leg are broken. I went to my sisters house for a while on Christmas Eve and left Gary and his Dad to complain to each other. Gary said his Dad tried to get him to call me to come home and help him up out of a chair. He wouldn't make the call. I was glad. It felt good to be somewhere for an hour and not hear voices calling my name.....LOL I'm doing O.K. I'm being very careful not to fall and break something.....if that happened I don't know what we would do. The Christmas was getting up at five in the rattling of papers and wading through them for half a day. I boiled a country ham on Christmas day. It took forever to find a pot big enough. I finally used my pressure canner and still had to cut the hock from the ham. We are still enjoying nibbling from it....not saying what it is doing to my blood pressure :) Now we are waiting for Lisa and her family to come. They got back home to Knoxville last night about 10:00 PM. I'm hoping the boys will get to stay with me for a few days. That is their wish too!!!


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM


  2. Clara, Glad to hear that Gary is home and doing better. Sometimes it is nice to have a QUIET Christmas... Take care of YOU now!!!

  3. I am so glad your son is home and things are looking up a little bit. I know you enjoyed getting away for a while. Your grandsons will be so excited to see you and get their gifts. TW is coming to see me today, too, and get his presents. He is finally better from the pinkeye and ear infection. Take care of yourself, too, Clara. I am glad you enjoyed the jam cake.

  4. You seem to be keeping the bright side out, Clara but you do need time out for yourself too. best Wishes to all of you

  5. Oh may Clara hope the men folk get better soon. That Ham sure sounds good.

  6. Clara, I'm so glad that Gary is home and feeling better. And I'm so happy that you were able to get away for just a little bit. At one time, I was a caretaker for both my parents, and I know how overwhelming it can be.

    Hope you have a good time with your grandsons---I know being around them really lifts your spirits!

    Don't play too much Wii! (Ha, ha...just kidding!) :-)

  7. I hope the boys will get to stay with you a few days too. Glad you got a little much needed alone time.

  8. It must be depressing to be caregiver for two men...but you handle it well.

    Have a Happy New Year!

  9. I'm so sorry about Gary breaking his leg. That must have hurt something awful!
    I pray he heals quickly and there are no more accidents in the new year.
    God bless you and yours.
