Saturday, November 22, 2008

Great Pyrenees Puppy.....

I just had to show you this puppy. It belongs to Lisa and she is taking it to someone this morning. She had it in the house saying her goodbyes. I would cry if I had to let this one go. She has two more. I would take one in a minute if they stayed this size.
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  1. They do get big, so cute a puppy. You have been tagged.

  2. I love this dog. How pretty. I would not have my girls see it for anything. They would go crazy over it and they already have two good sized dogs in the house!

  3. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Oh, what a cutie, Clara! Such a pretty little snowball. But, as you say, I guess he won't be little for long!

  4. Clara, Oh how sweet, Dean would have to have one if he saw it. Thats why I wont be showing him these pictures.

  5. What a beautiful puppy. I just wish they didn't grow up to be dogs!!!! We'd have one in a minute if we could afford the Vet bills.

    Love your site. Pray you have a great Thanksgiving filled with Thanksgiving.

  6. A beautiful puppy! I want to hug it. But I know htey do get pretty big.

  7. Oh my goodness - that's a super cute doggie!!
