Saturday, October 25, 2008

Smiley Face Biscuit....

Ryan and Lucas have been with me for five days. Not much time to post, but I wanted you to see the biscuit I made for them this morning. I always make them a smiley face biscuit when they are here. I hope that will be one of their fondest memories of me. I will take them home tomorrow and their fall break is over. They are not too happy about that! Already they are talking about when the next one will be. I'm looking forward I can make another biscuit that smiles!


  1. They will remember all of the fun days with there sweet grandmother.

  2. Of course they will remember your biscuits, and lots of other good things about your visits. And probably several little things that you never thought they had noticed.

  3. Your Grandsons are very blessed. I KNOW they will always remember those smiley biscuits. My Grandma's trademark was making us pancakes that were thin and as big as our plate. We put butter and jelly on them and rolled them up.

  4. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I love your smiley face biscuit, Clara--it brings a smile to MY face. Your grandsons are lucky to have such a loving Grandma who writes poems for them and bakes them smiley-face biscuits. They will definitely always remember those things and they will tell their own grandchildren stories about the grandma that loved them so. They are truly blessed.

  5. What a cute idea. I bet they did love it.
    I used to make pancakes into faces like Mickey Mouse,etc. My kids loved them, especially if I used chocolate chips for the eyes and nose.
    Hope you are having a great week end and get to have the kids again soon.

  6. Hello Clara
    Well, just like Beth I had a smile on my face when I saw that funny ol' biscuit:))
    I'm sure your little ones will have a smile on their faces in years to come when they remember them.
    Did you use puff pastry or some other sort?
    Take care

  7. Thanks to all of you for sweet comments.
    Cathy, I made him from scratch...flour, shortening and buttermilk......(and love)

  8. Dear Clara,
    What sweet memories you and your grandchildren will have. You reminded me of how I use to nake biscuits with my grandson, Will, when he was a little boy. What fun we had! I also made biscuits with the other grandchildren, but no smiley biscuits. How very clever you are.

  9. What a neat biscuit! And what a neat idea!

  10. Hi Clara,
    What a lovely idea for your little grandsons.I remember once making a gingerbread man for my son. I decorated it to order ,blue shirt,red pants, bow tie etc When it was finished I stood back to admire it." Thanks Mum " he said and picked it up and ate it right away !

  11. Hi Clara, I love the smiley faced biscuit. I will have to remember that when TW gets older. I had him all weekend and I am sitting here in my pj's this morning and I am tired! I love him so much but he sure does wear me out at 17 months! Thanks for the recipe. I put it in my sidebar on my blog. I will have to try it. Sounds like something good for Thanksgiving also.

  12. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Sorry you had to take the boys home. I know they will miss your good cooking . Thanks for bringing then to see me . Just wish you could have stayed longer . Carolyn

  13. Oh I love your smiley biscuit!! How clever!
