Friday, September 12, 2008

Americas Got Talent....

Are any of you watching Americas Got Talent? It is down to the top ten. I still do not have a clue who will win. I believe Queen Emily will be very close to the top, and I like Eli, the man who plays the piano and sings. Neal is very good. Donald Braswell may be the winner. Next Wednesday night is the next 8:00 EST on NBC. Watch and see if you can pick a winner.


  1. Actually, Clara, I don't watch much TV. It's just too childish anymore for me. I don't like any of the reality shows and hardly any game shows. I have to be pretty desperate to watch any of them.

    These contest shows are also a turn off for me.

    Where has the entertaining TV gone. I used to watch Frazier and Golden Girls. But I can't find anything to watch anymore.

  2. I haven't been watching it but I think I will. You have made me curious.
    I hope you are having a fun week end Clara.

  3. I love reality shows Clara and usually watch this one but it is on opposite Big Brother, lol, and I have watched some of it but missed out on a lot. I will watch the end though. My daughter told me she bet I was the only person still watching Big Brother. She said the network was saying: "There is this little old woman in Kentucky still watching so we can't take it off the air yet"! She is sooooooooo funny!

  4. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Yes Clara, I have been keeping up with it. I'm with you as the ones you picked are the ones I've been rooting for. D. Braswell has my vote over the others, however his voice doesn't seem as strong as the black lady and the young man. We'll probably be in church, so I'll miss part of it tomorrow night.

    You've been tagged to answer 6 questions. Check out my blog today and see what I'm talking about.
