Thursday, August 21, 2008


I drove to Knoxville (really drove to Blaine) last Tuesday to pick up my grandson Ryan. He came to spend the week with me before going back to work next week. I made two pictures along the way. The buzzard nest is on the road to Lisa's house. It is amazing to see, and is bigger than it looks in the picture. This is one of my favorite barns. It is located on highway 11w about 15 miles outside of Rutledge. Several years ago there were many barns with "See Rock City" painted on them. I think they are getting fewer and fewer.


  1. How fun to have your grandson for a week. I'm sure you will be making some great memories.
    I have never seen a buzzard nest before. It's interesting that it seems to be right out in the open. I thought most birds try to hide their nest.

  2. Hi, Clara,
    I finally smartened up and listed the blogs I read in Google Reader, so now I know when you post.

    I don't think I've ever seen a buzzard's nest that I know of.

    I love the photo of the barn. Those signs used to be as plentiful as Burma Shave signs. Rock City was a favorite trip of ours when the children were smaller.

  3. How interesting, Clara! I have seen many a buzzard but never their nest.

  4. Hi Clara, Guess I have never seen a Buzzard's nest ,maybe I have and thought it was just a squirrel nest.Come to think about it I never have thought about a buzzard haveing a nest, with little babys.These blogs are sure extending my thoughs.LOL

  5. Hey!! I was "atop Lookout Mtn" a year ago, last August. My dad, son, brother, and I went on a driving vacation along the World's Longest Yard Sale route.
    It was such fun, and we met blog buddy Rachel (from Kentucky) along the way.
    I like your neck of the woods!


  6. I have never seen a buzzard nest either. I do think they are the ugliest birds. They are even scary looking. I know you are enjoying your grandson and you two are making memories together. I remember when those signs were on a lot of old barns. I like them, too.

  7. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Gracious, Clara, that buzzard nest is HUGE! It got me to wondering about just what buzzards feed their babies? I don't imagine it would be worms, knowing what buzzards like to eat. Anyway, it probably wouldn't be too appetizing! :-)
    Have a fun week with your grandson!

  8. You will have fun with Ryan and he'll enjoy his time with his grandparents.

    Did you stop and look for buzzard eggs?? haha!!

    I have seen those Rock City signs. I think you are right that they are getting fewer and fewer though. Nice barn!

  9. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Hi, Clara - Your blog is really brilliant, I will be happy you read in the future I am first time here with you and I want to you all the best Steven
