Wednesday, June 04, 2008


I think I posted this last year, but she is standing there again this the same spot. I thought it was a person, but it's a other words...a dummy used to display clothes. It really fooled this dummy. But isn't that a cute idea? I wonder where you get those things?


  1. That's a neat idea! I'd tie a scarf around her neck that would blow in the breeze and be sure to scare off critters.
    I can see why you thought she was a real person, especially from a distance.

  2. I remember you posting this last year. What a great idea!!!

  3. That is so funny! I like the scarf idea blowing in the wind, too. I would have thought she was real. What a great idea.

  4. That is a cute idea. I posted about one of my scare crows on my blog recently.
    I don't make them anymore. The crows used to sit on them so my garden wasn't saved.

  5. Clara,
    I didn't receive the email you sent for your cross necklaces order.

    My email is

    I can send you photos of various color combinations in your colors of interest.

    :-) Thanks.

  6. Looks like a real person!! I guess they just had a spare mannequin and decided to use it!

  7. Thanks Clara. I did not get the e-mail. I even checked spam to see if it had gone there. Is there something wrong with the playlist?
    It seems to be playing now. If you give me your address I will put you in my address book and I will be sure and get e-mails then.

  8. Clara, Blogstock08 is going to be in Nebraska on Cliff Morrow's farm. He is on my list of bloggers I view. There will be several of us there...but not any others that read your blog I don't think. Jamie Dawn will be there! This is the first time for it. There will probably be about 17-18 bloggers there and some with their families!! Should be fun!!!
