Wednesday, May 21, 2008

American Cancer Support Group Meeting....And American Idol....

I went to my first support group meeting last night. It was their 10th anniversary meeting. There were 132 people there. It was the biggest crowd ever. Everyone brought some kind of salad or a dessert. I wish I had made a picture of the food. I've NEVER seen so many different kinds of salad. I made a fruit salad from REAL fruit and there were so many that I brought over half of it back home and I stopped at my neighbors house and gave her the rest of it. She is 94, and that made her happy!

I got home just in time to watch American Idol. David Archuletta stole the show. Last night I had the feeling he might win. I am still pulling for him. I cast my votes faithfully!!! Ryan and I talk on the phone during the show. Ryan said, "Granny, I think he is going to win...if he doesn't faint." Well, that is a lot of pressure. I would have fainted a long time ago. LOL Tonight we will know the winner!! GOOD LUCK David A!


  1. I hope your guy wins on AI Clara. I never watch that show. I'll just wait until it's over to see who wins!

    All that food sounds mighty good!!

  2. I think it is great that you watch it with Ryan on the phone with you!!!!

  3. Clara, It looks like our guy lost last night but I am sure he has big things ahead of him anyway! I thought for sure he was going to win. The salads all sound wonderful. Salads are one of my favorite things especially fruit salads.
