Tuesday, January 15, 2008


O.K. Here is Bill among the Turkey Craw Beans. They grew over eight feet tall. You almost had to have a ladder to pick them, but that beats stooping over to pick them. It is my favorite green bean of all time. We got the seed beans from my uncle who got them from his granddaddy and has saved seed beans from year to year. They are NOT a hybrid bean. I guess our bean growing days are over. Bill is not well enough now, and I cannot do it by myself. He used to spend day after day making the string for them to climb on. Notice how close the strings are! The rows would be 100 feet long! Good memories!!!!
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  1. Thanks for "spilling the beans" Clara! LOL
    And thanks for sending a pic of your handsome honey too! :0)

  2. I have never heard of Turkey Craw Beans. Can you tell me where I can purchase some seed?
    I have heirloom bean seed called October beans. This seed was also passed down from generation to generation.
    They are a shell bean and just delicious.

  3. You taught me something! I had never heard of that kind of bean. Interesting! (I usually just grow White Half Runners) Great photos, too. Thank you for posting about that.

  4. Is there anywhere to get beans to grow them that you know about? Sounds great, I love green beans and would love to grow my own!! Excellent pictures of you and Bill and the grand-boys, thanks for sharing!!
