Friday, January 18, 2008

Knitted Red Socks.....

I started knitting this pair of red socks before Christmas and finished them today. They will go into my Christmas box for next year. We are going to Gatlinburg for the week-end.... There's another cold front headed our way, but thats alright. Ryan and Lucas will be with us. They are like sunshine to me!!!!


  1. Your socks turned out wonderful!!!! Have fun with your boys!!

  2. Love those red socks!! You might get some snow but we won't. It's going to be 10 tomorrow night. Brrrr.... Enjoy Gatlinburg!! It's a fun place!!

  3. Love those red socks!! You might get some snow but we won't. It's going to be 10 tomorrow night. Brrrr.... Enjoy Gatlinburg!! It's a fun place!!

  4. Darn that word verification thing!! It made me do it twice. Honest.

    And now maybe twice again!

  5. Hi CLara,
    Like your red socks.
    Hope ya'll have a fun trip to the "Burg" thats what the local ole timers calls it.
    Have a good time with the boys.:o)
    Blessins', Lib

  6. I bet you wish you would have taken those red socks with you to Gatlinburg.
    Your tootsies probably got mighty cold!!!!
