Saturday, January 26, 2008


I passed this on my road yesterday and thought it was pretty. One day last week it was even more ice covered. You couldn't see the was just a big chunk of ice.


  1. Hi Clara,
    How pretty. I've noticed alot of natures falls frozen lately neat I think.
    I Like your baby socks!
    Have a great wkend.

  2. Very pretty Clara. I remember in Florida one year it got down to 17 degrees. People's sprinklers for their lawns came on in the night. There were some pretty wild ice displays. =)

  3. That is pretty! Must have been COLD there!!

  4. It reminds me of a fountain in Gatlinburg we had our picture taken by b/c it was frozen. That's for the picture!

  5. I meant "THANKS for the picture."

    I must've been sleepy when I posted. Sorry!

  6. That is awesome! For some reason I didn't know it got that cold in your part of the world.
    It has warmed up a bit here and is now in the low 40s with only a few small patches of snow. My tulips are popping up like they think it's spring and wonder of wonders, I saw a robin today! Maybe they know something I don't know...

  7. Hello again Clara. I just want to thank you for visiting my blog and to let you know my hair is not naturally curly. I have to curl it when I want it to look like it does in my picture. Mom used to put my hair up in pin curls and also gave me perms. She said my hair was like wire. It was coal black when I was born and later a very dark brown. I usually wear it back in one of those clip thingies becaues I can't stand it hanging in my face.

  8. That is neat looking!!
    We have not had it cold enough to do that.

  9. Clara; your knitted socks reminded me so much of the 11 pairs of knitted booties my grandma finished before she passed away in 1963. I got one pair for my son when he was born in 1982. Grandma's name was CLARA!
    I bounced over here from Rachel's blog. And guess what my mom's name was? Yep - RACHEL. I enjoyed my visits here and at her virtual place.
    Your visit to Gatlinburg looked like a great time. Your grandsons have such great smiles. The frozen fountain made my feet feel cold. Oh, wait a minute - they're already cold because it hasn't been above 15 degrees here in about 10 days! (I live about 30 miles down the road from Cliff). Blessings to you and your's.

  10. One more thing- is your goldfish plant indoors or out?

  11. Glad you stopped by my blog even if Blog Church wasn't there. I'll have it next weekend.
    Our weekend was busy, and I didn't get around to writing a blog message for Blog Church.
    I hope you are having a good day.
    We are having a very warm day today. I bet you are too. That icy fountain has surely melted by now!!

  12. Perhaps too cold for me. :-) But I loved looking at your pictures of your trip. What a fun time it must have been!
