Friday, August 10, 2007

My Pitiful Little Sunflowers.....

The reason I am posting this ....they are red when they first come out. I like them, even tho they do look pitiful. I planted them in my back yard, and the water supply on them has been short. Bless their little hearts!!!!


  1. I was just telling Pea that my across the street neighbors have some and I spied a little finch having his breakfast this morning.
    I hope ya'll get some rain Mama lives in KY and she says she's never seen it so dry!

  2. I don't think they look so bad. They look better than none and that is what I have.

  3. Looks like they are doing pretty good!! The birds will love them!!

  4. I think they are very pretty! I wish I had them here!

  5. I think they are beautiful. And I especially like them with the lavender background. Nice picture.
    It's dry here too. I watered almost everything today, including myself. A little accident with the spray nozzle but it sure felt good once I got over the shock! LOL

  6. I'm sure the blazing heat hasn't helped them any.
    Our weather is supposed to cool down some starting tomorrow; I hope yours is too.
    I think the sunflowers look good, even if they are dying of thirst. :-)
