Monday, May 21, 2007

Crocheted Square.....

This is the square I crocheted for my partner for the month of May. It goes to Bindu in Toledo, OH. I would like to make an afghan from these directions, but the flowers are so tedious to make. Maybe someday when there is nothing else for me to do!!!!!


  1. Well, I must say Clara that it is quite lovely and you are most talented!!

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!

  2. Hi Clara!
    I love the piece that you crocheted. I am sorry I have not
    commented lately, but I have gotten
    behind in reading my blogs. Seems
    like real life has taken alot of my time, but know you are not forgotten friend. Take care!

  3. This is very pretty. I used to do a lot of crocheting, knitting and tatting as well as embroidery, however since a computer moved in, I'm not doing nearly as much of it. Seeing your picture made me miss it. Maybe I'll pull out the yarn!

  4. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Clara, this is a beautiful square. Where did you get that pattern?

  5. Hi Clara!
    I love squares!
    Your square is lovely!!!
    Sônia Maria

  6. oie Clara vim te conhecer
    atraves do blog da Sonia Maria
    ela é nossa amiga

    bom um abraçao pra vc

  7. Oi Clara! Também encontrei sua pagina atraves da indicação do blog da Sônia.
    Adorei seu trabalho!


