Sunday, April 22, 2007

Prairie Star Afghan.....

I finished my Prairie Star. Thanks to Rachel...she sent a picture of one she had seen on e-bay. I knew I had the directions somewhere. It took me over a week to find them.... I had all of the yarn....but ran out of one color and went to my Crochet Partner List and found Christina in California. She sent me enough to finish it. I enjoyed working on this one very much.......Maybe because I remember my Mother making a quilt from this pattern. This one belongs to Ryan (my grandson).


  1. Clara, that is beautiful! Lucky grandson!

  2. Clara, I would love to have that pattern. I am sure Ryan is thrilled with it!!

  3. Lucky Ryan.... : )

  4. Very pretty, Clara.

  5. Love seeing this!
    Thank you !
    Gives me hope. ;)
    Mine is still in a basket.. missing the last three corners.
    This pattern is for those with patience...but a family heirloom in the end.
    Saw your post on CP list.

  6. wowzers, this is gorgeous..

  7. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Beautiful work and color choices. Have you thought of entering it in the State Fair before giving it to that lucky grandson?

  8. Gotta agree with Peggy Clara! The one I saw said it was a blue ribbon winner!!

    A masterpiece, no doubt about it!!

  9. Clara, you have such talent! This is absolutely beautiful!

  10. Absolutely beautiful!

  11. Lovely work, are you able to share the pattern? I've never seen that one before, looks like a lot of effort, but so well worth it after its done. For me, the saddest part of crochet is putting the last stitch in. Also, the happiest part. sigh....
