Thursday, April 19, 2007

Beautiful Sunshine.....

I have never been so happy to see the sunshine. It seems the last "snow" and little cold snap just about got to me. It is so nice here this morning. I can hear the birds singing and carrying twigs to build their nest. I am working on an afghan called Prairie Star. I lacked TWO small diamonds and ran out of yarn. I belong to Crochet partners on line, so I wrote and ask if any one had any of the yarn . A lady from California is sending some to me. I think I will call it my California Prairie Star. I will post a picture when it is completed.

Enjoy your day...wherever you are!!!!!!


  1. I am enjoying the sunshine also, Clara. How neat that you were able to get some yarn from an online friend.

  2. Blogging friends are precious in more ways than one. They have been here for me when I was down and cheered me up. I too am enjoying this beautiful weather Clara. I hope you and Bill and Mama are doing ok. Take care my friend!

  3. Glad you got some sunshine!! Bout time isn't it? LOL It was pretty nice here today and then I think it must have rained close by because it got cooler real quick. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and 70! Whoo-hoo!!!

    Can't wait to see your lovely afghan when it's finished.

  4. I know it will be very pretty Clara! It is very cloudy today & cool. I'm cooking soup & home made bread for supper...just seems like that kind of day.
