Sunday, February 25, 2007

Holston Mountain....

Want to see our mountain? This is Holston Mountain. It is just behind my house and it was beautiful today. It makes me think of the song "Go Rest High on A Mountain" Before I posted the picture you could almost count the trees. Now it looks blurry.... but you get the idea. It was covered with snow last week.


  1. Clara what a beautiful view! Heave you ever read the magazine "Country" it is the same ones who do "Birds & Blooms". Anywho they have a section called "The View From Our Place"... you should this photo in!!

  2. You certainly do have a lovely view!! I agree with Tina leigh!! I was just reading my "Country" magazine last night. Isn't there a Holston River too??

  3. Oh Clara, I LOVE your view. We would still love to move to your area if we can find Michael a job there.

  4. What a beautiful mountain! Its such a lovely and peaceful scene.Im sure that it looked gorgeous with snow on it too.
    Thanks for the kind comments on my blog.
