Saturday, February 03, 2007

Ham and Bean Soup with Tomatoes.....

Rachel, your bean soup made my mouth water the other day. I found this mixture of beans with ham flavoring at my grocery store.....I added some ham of my own and some diced tomatoes. Very soothing and filling on a day like today. Of course, there was cornbread on the side!


  1. Would you please pass me a bowl & some of that cornbread please...Dog that looks mighty good!

  2. Looks real yummy Clara!! I had cornbread with mine too. With this cold weather that soup just hits the spot!! This week is going to be a cold one.

  3. how do you make cornbread? I know H would LOVE me to make some, homemade soup, mmmmmmmmm!

  4. Helen, I don't go by a recipe to make cornbread....I use around 1 cup of meal....1 egg...a little oil and enough buttermilk to make a consistency that will pour into my pan (with oil) that I have heated on the stove until hot. Bake at 350 degrees until brown.

  5. For some reason your picture won't download and I can't see the soup. Maybe Tina ate it all! Tony taught me to make cornbread and that is the exact same way I make it except I bake at a higher temp. When Tony makes it he puts a lot of grease in the pan and it is so good but you can feel your arteries hardening as you eat it. lol
