Saturday, December 30, 2006

I'm a "New Blogger"....

Thanks to Claudia, I finally switched over. Everything seems to be working. I guess time will tell. Does anyone know what happened to Teresa? She lost her blog when trying to switch and I haven't heard from her. She was on my daily run. So, I guess this is a good time to wish everyone a "Happy New Year" filled with happiness, good health, hope, love and understanding and a year of peace! That is my wish!!!!


  1. Welcome over Clara. I dunno where Teresa is, so if you read this Teresa, we miss you and hope things are well with you. Please come back when you can.
    Proud of you Clara, wasn't so bad after all.
    Have a Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year Clara!

    I enjoyed Teresa's blog also.

  3. Hi and Claudia are braver than me! I still haven't switched over....I'm sure that I will in time...

    Thanks for all of your visits...and Happy and Healthy New Year back to you!

  4. I finally switched as well. The only thing that I don't like is that it makes me sign in everytime even though I told it to remember me on this computer.

  5. Hey Clara!! How have you been?! I made it thru the harvest & the holidays. I have had much trouble with my computer & dial-up...sometimes it works & sometimes not....My husband is getting me a new computer & satalite internet this month I hope!! So maybe I will be around more often!! Happy New Year...hope your hubby is doing well too!

  6. happy New Year to you too! I am excited about 2007.
