Friday, November 10, 2006

Quilt Pharmacy....

This Pharmacy is in Blaine, Tn. Okie's II Pharmacy. It is on highway 11W, between Knoxville, and Rutledge. I'm glad they joined the Quilt Trail. That's Lisa's truck parked out front while I made the picture.


  1. Wow, even the businesses are getting involved.

  2. That's really a nice clean looking business too.

    Clara, I wonder what kind of music you like. When you said Knoxville it made me think of an old song "Knoxville Girl".

  3. Country Music, and Southern Gospel are my favorite, but I can listen to Soft Rock, and Blue grass....depends on my mood!!
    I remember the song, Knoxville girl!

  4. I think a lot more states are beginning to join NC, TN and VA, the three states that I know of in having the barn quilts. I hope they start it around here as we do have lots of barns and Stanly County is pretty countryside. Nice for a business to do it too :) Have a great day friend.

  5. That's good news moobear. Maybe Georgia and Alabama will pick up on it. Looks like it would increase tourism and help the money to keep rolling in for someone.

  6. Hey Clara, I was reminded by visiting Claudia's blog to let you know that the mystery of the afghan pattern has been solved!! After I get the written directions typed and readable, I'd be happy to pass it on to you.
    Thanks for the pic of the quilt pharmacy too, that's amazing!!
