Monday, November 20, 2006

Quilt Barn....Hawkins County....

This barn is in Hawkins County. I always look at the compost pile in front of the barn and think I would like to have some of that to put on my garden! The quilt square is pretty, but my favorite is yet to come.... Stay tuned!

Close Up !!!!!


  1. I like that one. Makes you wonder just how old that barn is.

  2. I love those quilt barns!

    Have a good Thanksgiving!

  3. Clara, saw your photog at amazinggrace blog and I just wanted to say hi.. You look so peaceable. Too bad you dont live closer to our B&B, I'd invite you to afternoon tea, coffee and cake! :)

    But your barn shot is great.. though we're going to our horse barn for riding on G-d's creatures later

    Happy thanksgiving all
    GP in Montana
