Monday, October 09, 2006

Following The Quilt Trail....

Well, we drove across the mountain today. Among the most beautiful leaves, I found four more quilt barns. This one is in Shady Valley, TN. The quilt is Cathedral Window. Note the abandoned tractor in the foreground. My pictures are clear until I post them to blogger and then they become blurry. I don't know why. Scroll down for a close up......
Close up of Cathedral Window. This is the Buckles Barn on Hwy. 421.


  1. I just love those barns! Thanks so much Clara!

  2. Oh I gotta love this one clara! Your camera do make some of the clearest pictures I ever seen. Reckon I am getting jealous!, cause I shore do want a camera for sure now. Keep on making the quilt pictures, but so far this is my fav. Already looking forward to the next ones. Thanks for being my friend and coming to my place. Have a wonderful day my friend!

    God Bless!

  3. What a beautiful quilt on that barn. It must be really fun to try and find them.

  4. It is a lot of fun Marci, but you have to be careful and not get run over. They are mostly on private property, and of course there is no parking lot to stop and make pictures!

  5. Clara this is soooo neat! I'm calling Mama about this barn buisness! Who's behind all this!! TOO cool!!

  6. It is a beauty--both barn and quilt. I have always wanted to make a cathedral window but just too many things to make.
