Monday, September 11, 2006


WTC Ribbon In memory of the people who died and blessings for the families left behind, I hung my flag out this morning.
WTC Ribbon


  1. Yes clara, let us, not one, forget. I always have my flag out, but it seems to be shining today. I am sad.I appreciate my family, friends and loved ones today. You are an addition and special one at that. :)

    God Bless!

  2. Thanks Claudia, you made me feel special. I am honered to be added to your list of friends......and I hope you get to be a grandma... tell them to go ahead and do it the old fashioned way....the baby will never know if it's grandma (or its daddy) had a bad gene or not!!!!

  3. Clara: It's the simple things that mean the most. A million words couldn't say more than the simple act of hanging a flag.

  4. Thanks Ron, you made my day!!!!

  5. Clara I had to work today..on every patients room I have to write the date & my name....everything I charted today started with the date..9/11/06...I will never forget! I love our Flag!!! I'm glad you put your out! Oh my Cant wait to see what interesting info you have!

  6. We all here in Europe also payed tribute to this terrible day. It was very hard to see all these pictures again on TV. What me touched the most was the interviews done with firemen who had survived. Their lifes are ruined they can hardly live with what they had seen and these pictures are graved in their minds.
    I talked a little bit about that also.
