Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My Cold Water Pickles.....

This is my favorite pickle and they are soooooo easy to make. You want to use about a medium cucumber. Wash the cucumbers and pack as many as you can in a gallon jar. Place 3 TBS. pickling spice, 3 TBS alum, 3 TBS salt on top. Cover with vinegar. Close and let sit for three months. Drain pickles....Slice and put back into jar with 3 or 4 cups of sugar. Place in refrigerator and when the sugar is melted they are ready to eat. I usually shake mine a time or two. They will make their own juice. GOOD!!!!!


  1. only clara could put up pickles like that. I am quite sure they are delicious. You are such a smart and busy lady, I do admire you. Thanks for sharing the pictures and the fruits of your labor.

    God Bless!

  2. Those look wonderful Clara. Do you have to keep all those jars in the fridge then? That is why I don't make very many crock pickles. They take up so much refrigerator space.

  3. You don't refrigerate the pickles until you slice them and put sugar on them. I just slice one jar at a them and slice another jar. I keep the whole ones in the vinegar on the shelf with my canned goods.

  4. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I'm going to try it.

  5. i tried to post and show you how but blogger would not let me , sorry, if you go to blogger knowledge and ask them how maybe you can figure out how.

  6. That sounds easy enough. Are the pickles crisp or soft?

  7. I'll be trying these next year if we have cucumbers. Thanks for the recipe!
