Friday, September 29, 2006

Hail Storm....

My driveway covered with Hail......
On my back porch....... This was a terrible storm. I was in town when it started raining like poring it out of a bathtub. My clothes were on the line at home. I hurried home and the sun was shining a little. As soon as I got the last piece down it started raining like I have never seen it rain before. And then the hail came. My clothes were saved!!!!!


  1. WOW! I hope everyone had their tobacco in already. It seems more stormy like Spring than Fall!

  2. I am glad your clothes made it in the house. Did it damage your vehicles?

  3. Well that was exciting! We don't get hail often but that is good since it can be damaging. Hope there was no damage there.
